About William M. Wright
William Wright (b.1980) is a contemporary composer of original music for film, television, marketing and the concert hall and is a graduate of Berklee College of Music where he received a bachelor's degree, with distinction, in Music Composition. He also holds an advanced professional specialization in Orchestration for Film and Television.

As a feature film composer, Wright is best known for his work on director Jordan Noel’s award-winning drama This World Alone (available on Hulu). He has been awarded residencies and commissions by Roane Choral Society, Oak Ridge Civic Music Association, Scruffy City Orchestra, Tanasi Winds, Theatre Knox Downtown, The Clarence Brown Film Festival, The Maker City Council, Farr Horizons and The Living Arts Exchange Festival, among others.

Wright has been honored by Pavia, Italy's Screen Music Program (2021, Best Composer for the Screen), Film Fest Knox (2023, Best Composer), was awarded a 2023 Bailey Opportunity Grant, has premiered new works at the International New Music Festival (St Petersburg, Russia),  and is a 3x performer at the widely renowned Big Ears Festival.

William Wright works as the Music Director of The National Puppetry Conference at The Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center and the as in-house Composer + Creative Audio Director at PopFizz Productions in Knoxville, TN, where he lives with his very nice family.
Score Composer    |    Extranjera, Feature Film

Score Composer    |    
Gargantuan, Feature Film

The Mockingbird    |    for Chamber Ensemble and Poetry, in collaboration with RB Morris. Premiered at Big Ears 2025

Lecture    |    WHERE I END, YOU BEGIN: Aleatory, Authorship and The Mockingbird, presented to the University of Tennessee Contemporary Music Festival.

Composer and Sound Designer    |    
The Unscripted Files, podcast
Named Music Director    |    The National Puppetry Conference at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center

Guest Lecture    |    Sound Design and Sonic Branding, University of Tennessee

Score Composer    |    Solastalgia/The Great Unraveling Circus, Theatre

The Crooked Path Home    |    for solo piano, premiered by pianist Slade Trammell

Score Composer    |    Let Them Be Naked, Award-winning Feature Documentary

Score Composer    |    SOUTH DAKOTA: American Works Here, docu-series by Designsensory

Score Composer    |    Guacamole Yesterdays, Feature Film

Score Composer    |    Je Marche à Côté, Puppetry Film. Premiered at 2024 Festival International de Casteliers, Montreal

Score Composer    |    Übear, Puppetry Film
Composer    |    National Puppetry Conference

Recipient    |    Best Composer, Film Fest Knox

Score Composer    |    Smouldering Fires, Commissioned by Clarence Brown Film Festival

Score Composer    |    The Green Planet, Animated Short

Score Composer    |    Catacombs (Winner, Film Fest Knox)

Score Composer    |    MODEL KILLER: Giant Crimes and Tiny Cover-ups, Puppet Theatre

Composer + Sound Designer    |    Pass The Mic: Creating A Stage For Change, Podcast

Music Supervisor + Additional Composer    |    The Ghost Trap, Feature Film

Workshop    |    Do You Hear What I Hear?, National Puppetry Festival

Mist Beyond The Range    |    for chamber trio, commissioned by Farr Horizons

Recipient    |    Bailey Opportunity Grant
Composer    |    National Puppetry Conference

Score Composer    |    The Birds, commissioned by Central Cinema

Score Composer    |    An Awful Thing Has Gone and Happened, Feature Film

Score Composer    |    Bequeathed, Puppet Theater

Make Me New Again    |    for chamber ensemble, commissioned by The Maker City Council

Provincetown    |    for wind quintet, premiered by Tanasi Winds
Recipient, "Best Composer For The Screen"    |    Screen music Program (Pavia, Italy)

Score Composer + Sound Designer    |    Conservation Crew, Children's TV Pilot

Score Composer    |    The Recipients, Short Film

Resident Composer    |    Scruffy City Orchestra

Childhood Is The Kingdom Where Nobody Dies    |    for Orchestra, premiered by Scruffy City Orchestra

CONCORDIA    |    for choral and chamber trio, commissioned by Roane Choral, ORCMA and Knoxtet

A COMPLETE FAILURE OF HUMANITY!    |    for chamber trio, premiered at The International New Music Festival (Russia)

Arrays    |    sound collage, premiered at The International New Music Festival (Russia)
Resident Composer    |    Roane Choral Society

Resident Composer    |    Oak Ridge Civic Music Association

Find Me In The Dark    |    for chamber trio, commissioned by Kin Of The Moon
see collective works
Inquiries and Commissions
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